Tuesday, 27 August 2019

Varsha Ritu or Rainy Season

Varsha Ritu or Rainy Season

Rainy season regime

Rainy season marks start of “Visarg Kaal” during which the air carries moisture. “Adaan Kaal” when the air is dry, weakens the human body as well as digestive fire. Due to hot sun of summers, rain water, continuous contact with rain water and hot vapours weakens the digestive fire. This in turn pollutes the three doshas of the body. Ayurveda suggests following a plain regime during rainy season.

Things to avoid in rainy season

Things to avoid:
1.       Sattu Sharbat” or beverage of roasted gram flour.
2.       Sleeping during day.
3.       Mating
4.       Sun
5.       Work out

Must have things:
1.       Honey water or honey with “Drakshasav
2.       Sour and salty food with applied clarified butter (Ghee), particularly on a stormy and colder day.
Yush from grains and flesh

3.       Wheat, barley, aged rice and wild animal flesh in form of soup with clarified butter helps preserving digestive fire.

Rain water pot

4.       Freshly collected rain water, pond water or water from well should be used for drinking after boiling and cooling.
5.       Oil massage, bathing and wearing dry light clothes.

Note: “Vata”, “Pitta” and “Kapha” are three doshas of body mentioned in ayurveda which in balanced state keeps the person healthy.
“Vata” is gas/air or air in your body. If aggravated, it causes joints pain and gas trouble.
“Pitta” is acid and heat in the body. If aggravated, it causes burning sensation, thirst, over hunger etc.
“Kapha” is cough or lubrication which lubricates the body.

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