Wednesday, 26 February 2025

Digestive Medicines

 There are few lesser known but very effective ayurvedic medicines for digestive issues

Remember that ayurvedic medicines are rarely known to have any side effects but side benefits. Patient first need to access their condition or consult an expert before trying below mentioned medicines.

1)      Kravyad Ras : This is a Herbomineral medicine prepared from Parad(mercury), Gandhak (Sulphur), Tamra Bhasm(Copper calx), Lauh Bhasma(Iron calx), Tankan Bhasm(Borax), Black salt and Black Pepper.

This medicine is known to digest heavy food easily, stimulates digestion and cleans toxins from body. This medicine is best known to digest Aam (undigested food/ mucous in your stool sometimes). This Aam is poison for body if not treated on time. It can treat constipation, loose motion, malabsorption syndrome and abdominal pain. This medicine is good for reducing belly fat as well.

Different companies prepares differently and can have added or different ingredient and hence added or different benefits.


2)      Kutajghan Vati : This is prepared from  aqueous extract of bark of Kutaj Plant(Holarrhena antidysenterica) and powder of Ativisha (Aconitum Hetrophyllum ).

Kutaja Ghana Vati is a traditional ayurvedic remedy that has potent anti-dysenteric, antidiarrheal, anti-amoebic action and haemostatic properties for treating and curing a lot  of ailments including dysentery, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, malabsorption syndrome, intestinal infections and different bleeding disorders.


3)      Praval Panchamrut : This is prepared from Shankha Bhasma (Calx of Conch Shell), Shukti Bhasma (Calx of Pearl Oyster), Kaparda Bhasma (Calx of Cowries), Pravala Bhasma (Calx of Coral) is main ingredient. This medicine is available with or without Mukta/Mauktik  Bhasma (Calx of Pearl) depending on price .

Very cold in potency. This ayurvedic medicine is primarily used for the treatment of Inflammatory Disease, Splenic disorder, Digestive Disorders and Heartburn. It is highly useful in gastric conditions as it contains natural alkaline properties which help to neutralize excess stomach acid and soothe burning pain in the stomach with loss of appetite. Works as an aid in reducing belching and excessive thirst. It is also known to treat urinary tract infections and even ovarian cysts. Hell lot of benefits in one medicine. Overdose may cause loose motion.

Different companies prepares differently and can have added or different ingredient and hence added or different benefits.

4)  Trikatu Churna : Trikatu is a traditional herbal formulation containing three bitter herbs mixed together in equal quantities. Dried fruits of Kali Mirch(Piper nigrum), Pippali (Piper longum), and Saunth (Dried Ginger Powder).

Trikatu Churna plays an essential role in balancing aggravated Kapha in the respiratory and digestive tract. It also stimulates the stomach to produce digestive enzymes to promote the digestion of food and increase appetite. It Can be taken in Asthma, IBS, Obesity and even diabetes. Trikatu Churna balances Kapha and removes excess mucus from the lungs, resulting in easy breathing.

It may worsen gastritis and may cause a burning sensation when taken in higher doses due to its hot potency.

5)      Belgiri Churna : This is dried wood apple powder.

Relieves constipation, Improves Digestion, controls diabetes, controls cholesterol, boosts immunity, and prevents skin infection. Neither hot nor cold in potency. Short description dosent mean the medicine is less important. This is one you can rely upon for prolonged use.

6) Chitrakadi Vati: It is made of Chitrak Mool Chhal(Bark Of Plumbago zeylanica), Pipli Mool(Piper longum), Yav Kshaar(Hordeum vulgare), Sindha Namak(Rock Salt), Sochar Namak(coarse edible salt), Kala Namak(Black Salt), Samundri Namak(Sea Salt), Sambhar Namak(Sambhar Salt Lake), South(Dried Ginger Powder), Kali Marich(Black Pepper), Pipali Choti(Piper retrofractum), Hing(Asfodita), Ajmod(Celery Seeds), Chabya(Piper retrofractum) and Sajjikhar(soda stocksii).

Chitrakadi vati is an ayurvedic formulation which is used to deal with various gut problems such as indigestion, gas and abdominal discomfort. Unbalanced diet, stress and sedentary lifestyle cause digestion-related ailments. Chitrakadi Vati stimulates production of digestive enzymes, increases absorption of food and soothes hyperacidity in the stomach.

If you have indigestion with constipation, this is for you.

Note : These ayurvedic medicines can be taken individually or by complementing one with another to balance the potency of the medicine. Suppose trikatu is benefiting you but causing burning sensation, then can be complemented with Prawal Panchamrut to balance its potency. 

Wish you good health

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