Thursday, 28 February 2019


Diarrhea or “Atisaar”

Ayurvedic solution of diarrhea

Excess of liquid state body components (“Kapha”, “Ras”, “Pitta”, “Med”, “Rakt”, “Swed”, “Mutra”) comes out of body with stool due to low digestive fire is defined as diarrhea  in ayurveda.

Causes of diarrhoea
·       Low digestive enzymes
·       Consumption of parasite infected food or water
·       Excess of liquid secretion from the tissues of intestine
Ayurvedic solution of diarrhea

Types of diarrhoea
1.   “Vataj” or “Vaat” imbalance: In this type of diarrhea patient’s stops urinating or urinates very little. There comes a grumbling sound from stomach. His/her anus either remains still or pops out a bit. Similarly his waist, joints and thigh also gets still. Patient’s feces is foamy, dry, blackish in colour and less in quantity accompanied with gas.
2.   “Pitaj” or “Pitta” imbalance: In this type the feces contains foul smell, is hot, gushes out, and is scattered. Feces contains very sharp yellow, bluish or reddish colour. Patient feels thirsty, unconsciousness, heat and could have fever.

3.   Kaphaj” or “Kapha” imbalance: Patient feels very lazy, sleepy, nausea and stillness. Even after stool discharge, patient is doubtful of doing it again. Colour of faeces can be white or lighter than usual(Never Reddish) and there isn’t any sound while discharge. Patient gets Goosebumps while evacuating. Discharge can be mixed with mucus. Patient doesn’t feel like having food.

4.   “Sannipatik” or combination of above three: Patient feels laziness and unconsciousness, stillness and dry mouth. Colour of feces can keep changing. This is also mentioned as incurable among children and elderly.  

5.   “Shokaj” or due to sorrow:  Due to heartbreaking events of property loss or loss of dear ones, the patient keeps worried and depressed and stops eating well. This ceases the digestive fire and pollutes the blood. This polluted blood comes out mixed with feces with pain during discharge. This can treated but with difficulty because of psychological part.

6.   “Aamaj” or presence of “Aam”: In this type the food does not get digested before reaching the intestines and turns into toxic (Aam) and causes diarrhea. Undigested food can be seen in the feces as well. Feces will be smooth and sticky. It is painful, of different colours and too frequent.

·       Usually all types of diarrhea have “Aam” in the beginning. If the trouble is too much which means, if too much of “Aam” is present in the stomach then fasting is recommended in the beginning to digest the “Aam” present and stool discharge should not be stopped. Then the patients should be given quarter amount of his usual rice meal cooked in digestive medicinal water. Digestive Medicinal water: Boil Pipali(Long pepper), Chitrak(Plumbago zeylanica), Mahanimba(Chinaberry) and medicines of same category in water till half of the water is left, then the rice has to be cooked in it and given to patient.
Ayurvedic solution of diarrhea

    Water prepared with Harad (Terminalia chebula) , Daru Haldi (Berberis aristata), Kutaj Beej(Wrightia antidysenterica) should be given to patient every morning in case the “Aam” or the toxin in the stomach doesn’t clears.
    There is a huge list of medicines but the methods above can cure “Amaj” diarrhoea completely.

·       When the nature of diarrhoea is determined as “Vaataj” or “Kaphaj” then firstly the “Amaj” treatment has to be done. If the patients keeps discharging small amount of feces then 1 gm of “Yavaschaar” and 1gm of “Panchlavan” should be mixed with 22.6 grams of clarified butter and consumed.
(Yavaschaar: Here barley plant is dried, burnt in open air; ash is added with water, left over night. Sedimented portion is discarded and decanted clear liquid is filtered many times. After getting a clear liquid, it is heated and the solid powder which is leftover at the bottom of the vessel is called as Yavakshara.
Panchlavan: Equal amount of “Rock Salt”, “Black Salt”, “Salt obtained from volcanic areas (ALCL3)”, “Lake Salt(Sambar)” and unprocessed “Sea Salt”.)
Alternatively , clarified butter proven in milk, dried ginger, Creeping woodsorrel, Indian jujube and curd should be consumed.

·       For “Pitaj” diarrhea cure; herbs of hot potency are prohibited. “Bala”Sida Cordifolia, “Atibala” Abutilon indicum, “Shalparni” demodium gangeticum, “Gokhru” Caltrops, “Kantkaari Solanum virginianum and “Shatavar Asparagus racemosus should be taken in equal quantities. One part of the mixture should be boiled in 64 part of water till 1/4th is left. Then water should be filtered out. This water is “Kwath”. One fourth of the usual rice meal should be cooked in this water and given to the patient.
Ayurvedic solution of diarrhea

·       For “Sannipataj” diarrhoea, Daru Haldi (Berberis aristata), Flesh of unripen Bel(Bael Fruit), Pipali(Long Pepper), Munakka(Sultana currant),Kutki(Picrorhiza kurroa) and Indrayav(Hollarhena Antidysentrica) should be taken 4 parts, clarified butter 16 parts and water 64 parts. All should be cooked till water evaporates. The remaining should be consumed to treat diarrhea.

·       Shokaj” diarrhea has the same treatment as “Vataj”.

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Saturday, 23 February 2019

Quantity of Food

How much should you eat?

Ayurveda says a person should know how much he should eat. It further says that “Jatharagni(Digestive fire)” is not same all the time and one should eat as much as it gets digested. “Jathargni” varies with season and age. For instance digestive fire is low in elders and kids. Similarly digestive fire is strongest in “Hemant Ritu(Mid Nov-Mid Jan) but not in rainy season. Hence it’s not possible for a person to follow same food regime for entire year.
Rishi charak classified food in four types:
1.   Bhakshay” or chewable
2.   Choshya” or suckable
3.   Lehya” or Lickable
4.   Pey” or drinkable
    Typically one should have Chewable, Suckable or lickable food upto 50% of his hunger, another 25% should be drinkable and remaining 25% should be left for air.

He says morning meal should get digested till evening and vice versa (Ayurveda prescribes meals twice a day). Food items which are “Laghu(Light to digest)” like deer flesh when eaten enough will further increase digestive fire which is not good. Food items which are “Guru(Heavy to digest)” like fish, pudding made in milk, black lentils etc will diminish the digestive fire when eaten enough. Hence both “Laghu” and “Guru” items should not be eaten too much.

A person who works out regularly can digest anything, even the contradictory food items like milk and fish because exercising increases digestive fire.

Dried flesh, dried vegetables and leaves, pork, beef, fish, curd, black lentils should not be consumed continuously.
Old rice, winter harvested crops, “Moong(Yellow Lentils)” , Rock Salt, Goose Berry, Barley, rain water, milk, clarified butter, flesh of wild deer, honey etc can be consumed daily.

Note: “Vata”, “Pitta” and “Kapha” are three doshas of body mentioned in ayurveda which in balanced state keeps the person healthy.

Vata” is gas or air in your body. If aggravated, it causes joints pain and gas trouble.

Pitta” is acid and heat in the body. If aggravated, it  causes burning sensation, thirst, over hunger etc.

Kapha” is cough or lubrication which lubricates the body.
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Thursday, 21 February 2019

“Tikshnagni” or extremely strong digestive fire

“Tikshnagni” or extremely strong digestive fire

When a person is not satisfied with what he eats is called “Tikshnagi” or extremely strong digestive fire. Aggravated “Kapha” causes “Mandagni(Low digestive fire)”,aggravated “Pitta” causes “Tikshnagni(Extremely strong digestive fire)” and aggravated “Vata” causes “Vishamagni(Uneven digestive fire)”. When all the three doshas are balanced is called “Samagni(Even digestive fire)”. “Tikshagni” can cause almost 40 diseases. The higher stage of “Tikshangni” is called “Bhasmak Rog” which can be described as a disease in which the food eaten gets burnt instead of digested. Ayurveda says it happens to human with weak “Kapha” dosha. Aggravated “Pitta” gets along with “Vata” and increases the digestive fire. Food eaten is first digested and then is starts digesting the “Dhatus” of the body i.e. flesh, bone, blood etc.

·       The person becomes hungry immediately after eating
·       Body becomes dry
·       Weakness with giddiness after the food gets digested
·       Too much thirst
·       Dry cough
·       Burning sensation in body
·       Difficulty in keeping track of things.

General Tips:
·       Eat in small quantities more frequently
·       Have buffalo’s milk, curd and clarified butter
·       Have rice pudding as meal
·       Laxative should be used
·       Eat food which produces “Kapha” like banana
·       Daytime sleep helps

·       Powder the seed of Indian Plum and should be taken with water
·       Pudding of white rice, white lotus and goat milk mixed with clarified butter should be taken for 12 days.
·       Seeds of Onga(Achyranthes aspera) should be mashed to make pudding in milk.
·       One ripe banana should be mashed in clarified butter and taken for 41 days in the morning.

Note: “Vata”, “Pitta” and “Kapha” are three doshas of body mentioned in ayurveda which in balanced state keeps the person healthy.
Vata” is gas or air in your body. If aggravated, it causes joints pain and gas trouble.
Pitta” is acid and heat in the body. If aggravated,it  causes burning sensation, thirst, over hunger etc.
Kapha” is cough or lubrication which lubricates the body.
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Wednesday, 20 February 2019

“Mandagni” or Low Digestive Fire

Mandagni” is when you do not feel hungry. In case of “Mandagni” or low digestive fire, whatever a person eats is not digested well. He either suffers from constipation or frequent diarrhoea; he gradually becomes lazy and weak. This happens because of aggravated “Kapha” in the body. The excess of “Kapha” in the body puts off the digestive fire and causes indigestion. When the food remains in the intestine without digestion it forms “Ama” from “Kapha”. A patient with “Ama” problem feels heaviness in the stomach and other organs, their eyes looks swollen. Ayurveda says digestive fire is very important without which a person cannot survive much. So everyone should preserve it.

External Causes of “Mandagni(Low Digestive Fire)”:
·       Drinking too much water
·       Ignoring the hunger
·       Eating even when not hungry
·       Delaying or not attending the natural calls
·       Daytime sleeping
·       Not sleeping at night

Internal causes of “Mandagni(Low Digestive fire)”:
·       Jealous
·       Fear
·       Anger
·       Greed
·       Sorrow

Treating “Mandagni” or low digestive fire
1.   Hingwastak Churna : “Sunthi” or dried ginger, “Kali Mirch” or black pepper, “Pipali” or long pepper, “Ajwain” or carom seeds, “Sendha Namak” or rock salt, “Safed Jira” or cumin, “Kala Jira” or Black cumin seeds and “Hing” or asafoetida should be taken in equal quantity. “Hing” or asafoetida should be slightly fried in “Ghee” or clarified butter before mixing. Take this mixture with the first morsel of your meal. This activates the digestive fire and cures any gas problems.

2.   Jirkaadi Churn:Safed Jira” or cumin, “Kala Namak/Sanchar Namak” or Black Salt, “Sunthi” or dried ginger, “Pipali” or long pepper, “Kali Mirch” or black pepper, “Vaividang” or Embelia Ribesin, “Sendha Namak” or Rock salt, “Ajwain” or carom seeds, “Hing” or asafoetida and “Harad” or Myrobalan , 20 grams of each should be taken. In addition, 40 grams of “Nisoth(Operculina turpethum)”should be taken. Powder everything and mix. Taking this mixture at the time of meal activates digestive fire.

3.   Vaividangadi Churna:Vaividang(Embelia Ribesin)” , “Bhilawa(semecarpus anacardium)”, bark of “Chitrak(Leadwort)” tree, “Harad(Terminalia Chebula)” and “Sunthi(dried ginger)”. All powdered, should be mixed with “Gud(jaggery)” and “Ghee(Clarified butter)”. Taking in small quantity removes the low digestive fire problem and lit up the digestive fire.

Many other mixtures are suggested which can be taken to cure “Mandagni(Low digestive fire)”. Apart from the above, fasting is also suggested many times in ayurveda. Too much of fasting is not recommended as it may cease the digestive fire permanently and kill the person. Per ayurveda, “Jatharagni(Digestive fire)” digests the food first, then it digests the “Doshas” of the body, then “Dhatus” and lastly the life of the patient.

Caution: Do not eat the food which increases “Kapha” in the body like curd, banana, milk etc.

Note : “Vata”, “Pitta” and “Kapha” are three doshas of body mentioned in ayurveda which in balanced state keeps the person healthy.
Vata” is gas or air in your body. If aggravated, it causes joints pain and gas trouble.
Pitta” is acid and heat in the body. If aggravated,it  causes burning sensation, thirst, over hunger etc.
Kapha” is cough or lubrication which lubricates the body.
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Monday, 18 February 2019


Ayurveda categorize fruits per their impact on the three “Doshas” of the body. Fruits which are sour in taste usually aggravate “Vata” and “Pitta” and forms blood in the body but pomegranate is an exception. Let us take a look on the nature of different fruits:

“Draksha”or Grapes:
Ripen Grapes are mentioned as best among the fruits. It is aphrodisiac, good for eyes, eliminates urine and faeces, unctuous, cold in potency, hard to digest, cures diseases because of “Vata”, “Pitta” and “Rakta” or blood.It is cold in potency but is used in cough, fever and respiratory conditions.

“Dadima”or pomegranate:
Even the sour or unripe pomegranates do not aggravate “Pitta” but mitigates “Vata” and “Kapha”. It is not very hot in potency, easily digestible, unctuous and stimulates digestion.

Banana(Mocha), Dates(Khajoor), Jack Fruit(Panasa), Coconut(Narikela), Parusaka or Grewia asiatica, Mimusops Hexandra(Rajdana), Madhuca Longifolia(Madhuka), Indian Jujube(Badara/Ber), Alangium Salvifolium(Ankola), Ficus Carica(Phalgu), Lasora  (Sleshmataka), Walnut(Abhisuka Aksoda), Mimusops Elengi(Mukulaka), Pine Nut (Nikocaka), Prunus Armenia Linn(Urumanam) are cold in potency and makes the body stout, are not easily digestible, unctuous, stay for longer in the body, increase “Kapha” and semen.

Fruit of Tala(Borassus Flabellifer) increases “Pitta” and moves the bowel. Fruit of Kasmarya (Gmelina Arborea) is cold in potency, relives the obstruction of urine and faeces, good for hair, increases intelligence and is a rejuvenator.

Vatama (almond) is hot in potency, increases “Kapha” and “Pitta” and is laxative.

Buchanania (Priyala/Chironji) is cold in potency, unctuous and mitigates “Vata”. Its marrow is sweet, aphrodisiac, mitigates “Pitta” and “Vata”.

Bilva Phala or Aegle Marmelos (Bael Fruit) when ripe is hard to digest,aggravates the “Doshas” and cause flatus. Unripe fruit kindles digestion, mitigates “Vata” and “Kapha”. Both are water absorbent.

Kapittha or Wood Apple when unripe is bad to throat and increase the “Doshas”. Ripe fruit mitigates the “Doshas”, relieves hiccup and vomiting. Both are water absorbent and antipoisnous.

Jambava or Java plum is not easily digestible, stays long inside stomach, cold in potency, causes aggravation of “Vata” and mitigates “Kapha” and “Pitta”. It absorbs moisture from urine and faeces and is bad for throat.

Bala Amra or unripe mango increase “Vata”, “Rakta” or blood and “Pitta”. When the seed inside if formed completely, it increases “Kapha” and “Pitta”. When it is ripe, it is not easily digestible, mitigates “Vata” and increase “Kapha” and semen.
Vrksamla or Garcinia Fruit is dry, hot in potency, mitigates “Vata” and “Kapha” and is easily digestible.

Samya or Sami Fruit is not easily digestible, hot in potency, destroys hair and causes dryness.

Pilu fruit is not very hot in potency; it increases “Pitta” and mitigates “Vata” and “Kapha”. It is purgative, cures disease of spleen, haemorrhoids, worms, abdominal tumours. When the fruit is sweet-bitter in taste, it mitigates all three doshas.

Matulunga or Citron skin is pungent, unctuous, mitigates “Vata”. Its fleshy part is sweet in taste, mitigates “Vata” and “Pitta” and makes the body stout. It is not easily digestible however the tendril is easily digestible and cures cough, asthma, hiccups, alcoholic intoxication, dryness of mouth, constipation, vomiting, loss of taste, abdominal tumour, enlargement of abdomen, haemorrhoids, colic, dyspepsia.

Marking nut or Bhallataka is cold in potency and makes the body stout. Its seed is fire in properties, increases intelligence and mitigates “Kapha” and “Vata”.

Palevata is sweet and cold in potency,while that of sour taste is hot and both are hard to digest. Both cure diseases due to excessive digestive activity.

Aruka (Prunus Persica Linn) when sweet is not very hot in potency, digests quickly, sometimes hard to digest and increases doshas.

Draksha or grapes, Parusaka or Grewia asiatica linn and Karamardaka or Carissa carandas in their green state are sour, increases “Pitta” and “Kapha”, hard to digest, hot in potency, mitigate “Vata” and is laxative.

Kola(Centella asiatica), Karkandhu(Ziziphus Oenopolia), Lacuka(artocarpus lacucha), Amrataka(Hog plum), Aruka(Prunus Persica Linn), Airavata(Citrus Reticulata Blanco), Dantasatha, Satuda and Mrigalindika are sour fruits but do not aggravate “Pitta” greatly. Also ripened Karamardaka when dried does cause only mild increase of “Pitta”.

Fruits of Kola and Amlika(Tamarind) improves digestion, Cause purgation, cures exhaustion, fatigue and thirst. They are easily digestible and mitigate “Kapha” and “Vata”.

Note : “Vata”, “Pitta” and “Kapha” are three doshas of body mentioned in ayurveda which in balanced state keeps the person healthy.
Vata” is gas or air in your body. If aggravated, it causes joints pain and gas trouble. It is cold in nature.
Pitta” is acid and heat in the body. If aggravated,it  causes burning sensation, thirst, over hunger etc.It is hot in nature.
Kapha” is cough or lubrication which lubricates the body and puts on weight. It is cold in nature.

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Thursday, 14 February 2019


Per Ayurveda , flesh of animals is the best thing to stouten the body, and specially the meat of carnivores animals because they themselves feed on meat.
In many instances, ayurveda prescribes the soup of meat to overcome the weakness after detoxification process. Ayurveda classifies meat in below categories:

1.   Mriga varga/Deer Category: All types of deer, antelope, hare, rabbit and gazelle falls under this category. They are herbivores and lives in shrubby forests.

2.   Vishkira Varga/ Birds which get their food from ground: All types of quail, owl, cocks, partridges, peacock, cranes, sparrow and goose are birds which scratch the ground to eat.

3.   Pratuda / Birds which peck the food to eat : Gallinule , Shrike, Parakeet, cuckoo and pigeons belongs to “Pratuda” category

4.   Bileshaya / Burrows living creature:  Frog, Snake, hedgehog and lizard falls under this category.

5.   Prasah / Creatures which catch food by teeth, tear it and eat : Cow, Donkey, Mule, Camel, Horse, Leopard, lion, monkey, cat, rat, mice, tiger, jackal , mongoose, hyena, fox, hawk, dog, crow, eagle, vulture, osprey and honey buzzard falls in this group

6.   Mahamriga/Big animals: Boar, Buffalo, Elephant, Yak, Rhinoceros and Ox are of Mahamriga Category.

7.   Apchara Varga / Aquatic Birds: Swan, Indian crane,Pelican, Mattard and heron are aquatic birds.

8.   Matsya Varga / Fish : Red Fish, Boal, Tortoise, Alligator, crab, Mussel, Conch Cell, Otter, Snail, large Glistening Fish, Cat fish, Seahog, Crocodile, Dolphin, Whale, Shark, Cilicima etc belongs to Matsya category.

Goat and Sheep are not included in any group since they live in all types of lands.

Out of eight categories mentioned above, first three (Mriga,Viskriya and Pratuda) are also known as Jangala (Vata Dominant); the last three (Mahamriga, Apchara and Matsya) are also called Anupa (Kapha dominant). The middle two (Bislesaya and Prasaha) are known as Sadharana (Tridosha Balancing).
The land with dry forests and less rainfall is Jangala which is “Vata” dominant. Land with plenty of rainfall is Anupa which is Kapha Dominant.The region with just enough (Neither much nor less) rainfall is Sadharana.

Meat of Jangala are the best. They cause constipation, are cold in potency, easily digestible with great increase of Pitta, comparatively lesser increase of Vata and least increase of Kapha. Meat of rabbit increase hunger, quail makes body stout, sparrow is good for brains. Peacock is not good to eat but still works on ears, voice, ageing and eyes. Wild cock is similar to peacock and domesticated cock increases “Kapha”. Sparrow meat is best to mitigate Vata and increase semen.

Meat of Bilesaya are hard to digest, hot in potency, unctuous and sweet, increases urine and semen, strengthening, mitigates Vata and increases Pitta and Kapha.

Flesh of Mahamrigas is cold in potency; of them the flesh of carnivorous and Prasaha animals increases the muscles of body, suitable for person suffering from long standing haemorrhoids, duodenal disease.

Goat meat is hard to digest, fatty, nourishing, causes weight gain and does not aggravates doshas. Sheep meat is opposite in nature but causes weight gain. Meat of cow and bull cures dry cough, exhaustion, excess hunger, intermittent fever, emaciation and diseases cause by increased Vata. Buffalo and pig meat is hot, hard to digest, causes sleep, stoutness and gives strength to body.
Fish in general increases Kapha greatly.

Meat obtained from just killed animals are only recommended. Meat from above umbilicus of male animals and below umbilicus of female animals and pregnant animals are hard to digest. Meat obtained from female quadrupeds and male birds are easily digestible.

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Wednesday, 13 February 2019

Daily Consumable Food

Ayurveda defines list of foods which can be consumed on daily basis for long times. Below is the list:

Jangala(Meat of desert land animals and birds which are cold in potency)
Jivanti(Leptadenia reticulata)
Balamulaka (Young Radish)
Pathya(Terminalia Chebula)
Amla(Indian Gooseberry)
Mridwika(Dried grapes)
Mudga(Green Gram)
Sarkara( Traditional Sugar)
Ghrita (Ghee or clarified butter)
Sandvika(Rock Salt)

·       New rice increases “Kaffa” but not after an year of aging.
·       Wheat is mentioned as natural aphrodisiac, cold, heavy to digest, unctuous, enlivening, “Vata(Gas)” and “Pitta(Acidity)” balancer, wound healer, sweet, promotes bowel movement and increases body stability.
·       Barley is similar to wheat but aggravates “Vata(gas)”.
·       Jangala is land of dry forest with less rainfall. Jangala meat is best to eat, they cause constipation, are cold in potency, easily digestible, good for anxiety with increase in “Pitta(Acid)” and moderate increase in “Vata(Gas)” and “Kapha(Lubricant/cough)”.
·       Jivanti(Leptadenia reticulata) is good for eyes, mitigates all doshas, is sweet in taste and cold in potency.
·       Balamulaka (Young Radish) is light to digest, hot in potency and balances all three doshas. Cures abdominal ulcer, cough and problems of throat, eyes etc.
·       Amla(Indian Gooseberry) stimulates the digestive fire, cause dryness, good for heart, cold in potency, strengthens the sense organs, helps with diseases of head,eyes, liver, spleen, intestine and Mitigates “Kaffa” and “Pitta”.
·       Mridwika(Dry Grapes) are purgative,  natural coolant, good for eyes, liver disorder, respiratory problems, dryness.
·       Mudga(Green Gram) causes mild increase of “Vata” otherwise it is best among lentils.
·        Traditional sugar is aphrodisiac, good for emaciated and wounded, useful in bleeding disease and aggravation of “Vata(Gas)” .
·       Ghee” increases digestive strength, controls both “Vata” and“Pitta”, is light to digest and a tonic for brain and eye. Refer More on clarified butter
·       Milk” is similar to “Ghee” but do not increase digestive strength.
·       Honey is cold in potency, good for eyes, balances “Kapha”, breaks up hard masses, used in hiccups. Refer More on Milk
·       Dadima or pomegranate mitigates all three doshas and “Pitta” in particular. It stimulates digestion and is unctuous because of its seeds which control “Vata”. It is very good for heart.
·       Sandvika or rock salt is aphrodisiac, good for heart, mitigates all three doshas, kindles digestion, clears obstructions of the channels and pores.

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