Thursday, 28 February 2019


Diarrhea or “Atisaar”

Ayurvedic solution of diarrhea

Excess of liquid state body components (“Kapha”, “Ras”, “Pitta”, “Med”, “Rakt”, “Swed”, “Mutra”) comes out of body with stool due to low digestive fire is defined as diarrhea  in ayurveda.

Causes of diarrhoea
·       Low digestive enzymes
·       Consumption of parasite infected food or water
·       Excess of liquid secretion from the tissues of intestine
Ayurvedic solution of diarrhea

Types of diarrhoea
1.   “Vataj” or “Vaat” imbalance: In this type of diarrhea patient’s stops urinating or urinates very little. There comes a grumbling sound from stomach. His/her anus either remains still or pops out a bit. Similarly his waist, joints and thigh also gets still. Patient’s feces is foamy, dry, blackish in colour and less in quantity accompanied with gas.
2.   “Pitaj” or “Pitta” imbalance: In this type the feces contains foul smell, is hot, gushes out, and is scattered. Feces contains very sharp yellow, bluish or reddish colour. Patient feels thirsty, unconsciousness, heat and could have fever.

3.   Kaphaj” or “Kapha” imbalance: Patient feels very lazy, sleepy, nausea and stillness. Even after stool discharge, patient is doubtful of doing it again. Colour of faeces can be white or lighter than usual(Never Reddish) and there isn’t any sound while discharge. Patient gets Goosebumps while evacuating. Discharge can be mixed with mucus. Patient doesn’t feel like having food.

4.   “Sannipatik” or combination of above three: Patient feels laziness and unconsciousness, stillness and dry mouth. Colour of feces can keep changing. This is also mentioned as incurable among children and elderly.  

5.   “Shokaj” or due to sorrow:  Due to heartbreaking events of property loss or loss of dear ones, the patient keeps worried and depressed and stops eating well. This ceases the digestive fire and pollutes the blood. This polluted blood comes out mixed with feces with pain during discharge. This can treated but with difficulty because of psychological part.

6.   “Aamaj” or presence of “Aam”: In this type the food does not get digested before reaching the intestines and turns into toxic (Aam) and causes diarrhea. Undigested food can be seen in the feces as well. Feces will be smooth and sticky. It is painful, of different colours and too frequent.

·       Usually all types of diarrhea have “Aam” in the beginning. If the trouble is too much which means, if too much of “Aam” is present in the stomach then fasting is recommended in the beginning to digest the “Aam” present and stool discharge should not be stopped. Then the patients should be given quarter amount of his usual rice meal cooked in digestive medicinal water. Digestive Medicinal water: Boil Pipali(Long pepper), Chitrak(Plumbago zeylanica), Mahanimba(Chinaberry) and medicines of same category in water till half of the water is left, then the rice has to be cooked in it and given to patient.
Ayurvedic solution of diarrhea

    Water prepared with Harad (Terminalia chebula) , Daru Haldi (Berberis aristata), Kutaj Beej(Wrightia antidysenterica) should be given to patient every morning in case the “Aam” or the toxin in the stomach doesn’t clears.
    There is a huge list of medicines but the methods above can cure “Amaj” diarrhoea completely.

·       When the nature of diarrhoea is determined as “Vaataj” or “Kaphaj” then firstly the “Amaj” treatment has to be done. If the patients keeps discharging small amount of feces then 1 gm of “Yavaschaar” and 1gm of “Panchlavan” should be mixed with 22.6 grams of clarified butter and consumed.
(Yavaschaar: Here barley plant is dried, burnt in open air; ash is added with water, left over night. Sedimented portion is discarded and decanted clear liquid is filtered many times. After getting a clear liquid, it is heated and the solid powder which is leftover at the bottom of the vessel is called as Yavakshara.
Panchlavan: Equal amount of “Rock Salt”, “Black Salt”, “Salt obtained from volcanic areas (ALCL3)”, “Lake Salt(Sambar)” and unprocessed “Sea Salt”.)
Alternatively , clarified butter proven in milk, dried ginger, Creeping woodsorrel, Indian jujube and curd should be consumed.

·       For “Pitaj” diarrhea cure; herbs of hot potency are prohibited. “Bala”Sida Cordifolia, “Atibala” Abutilon indicum, “Shalparni” demodium gangeticum, “Gokhru” Caltrops, “Kantkaari Solanum virginianum and “Shatavar Asparagus racemosus should be taken in equal quantities. One part of the mixture should be boiled in 64 part of water till 1/4th is left. Then water should be filtered out. This water is “Kwath”. One fourth of the usual rice meal should be cooked in this water and given to the patient.
Ayurvedic solution of diarrhea

·       For “Sannipataj” diarrhoea, Daru Haldi (Berberis aristata), Flesh of unripen Bel(Bael Fruit), Pipali(Long Pepper), Munakka(Sultana currant),Kutki(Picrorhiza kurroa) and Indrayav(Hollarhena Antidysentrica) should be taken 4 parts, clarified butter 16 parts and water 64 parts. All should be cooked till water evaporates. The remaining should be consumed to treat diarrhea.

·       Shokaj” diarrhea has the same treatment as “Vataj”.

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