Friday, 8 March 2019

IBS or Sangrahani

IBS or Grahani


This is a very common disease which is seriously effecting the lives of many. Ayurveda categorises IBS very clearly and mentions the ways to treat it. Person who have suffered or suffering from diarrhea also suffers from low digestive fire. When the person keeps eating what he is not supposed to, even when he has recovered from diarrhea, causes IBS. Ayurveda defines “Grahani” as the place above navel which holds the 6thPitta”. It gets its strength from digestive fire. When aggravated dosh or doshas of body pollutes the “Grahani” , it starts releasing the food undigested, sometimes in form of dry stool and sometimes in form of loose motion.

Initial symptoms: Thirst, laziness, weakness, burning sensation, late digestion of eaten food and heaviness in the body.
Similar to diarrhea ,“Grahani” or IBS can be of five types       
1) “Vataj”2) “Pitaj” 3) “Kaphaj” 4) “Sannipatak”  5) “Amaj”. For symptoms of each please refer:

1.   “Vataj”:
a)   Dhania(Coriander), Flesh of Wood Apple, Bala (Sida cordifolia), Sunthi (Dried ginger) and  Shaliparni (Desmodium gangeticum) should be cooked in water and liquid should be given to the patient.
b)  Sunthi (Dried Ginger), Ghee or clarified butter (4 times of ginger), Water (4 times of ginger). Cook everything together till the water gets evaporated. This is called “Sunthi Ghrit” and cures IBS due to gas.

2.   “Pitaj”:
a)   Rasna (Alpinia galanga), Atis(Aconitum Heterophyllum),Bark of Korya, Indrajao(Hollarhena pubescens), Sunthi(Dried Ginger) and Flower of Dhay(Downy Grislea) should be powdered and mixed with honey. Taking it after meal and sipping a bit of rice water cures “Pitaj” IBS.(Rasnadichurna)
b)  Flesh of unripe wood apple (Bel), Dried ginger powder(Sunthi) and jaggery in equal quantity should be taken with buttermilk. It cures serious “Pitaj” IBS.

3.   “Kaphaj”:
a)   Kachoor(Curcuma zedoaria), Sunthi(Dried ginger), Marich(Black pepper), Harad(Chebula Termenelia),Sajjikhar(Salsola stocksii), Javakhar(Salt of Barley) and Pipramul(Ganthoda) in equal quantities should be mixed with juice of Bijora Nimbu(Lemon) and given to patient.
b)  Rasna (Alpinia galanga), Harad(Chebula Termenelia), Kachoor(Curcuma zedoaria), Sunthi(Dried Ginger),Pipari(Long Pepper), Marich(Black pepper), Sajjikhar(Salsola stocksii), Javakhar(Salt of Barley), Pipramul(Ganthoda) and five types of salt(Rock Salt, Black Salt,Salt obtained from volcanic areas (ALCL3), Lake Salt(Sambar) and unprocessed Sea Salt)should be powdered and mixed with lemon juice. Taking it after meal with warm water cures “Kaphaj” IBS.

4.   “Sannipatak”(All Doshas):
a)   Sunthi(Dried Ginger), Nagarmotha(Cyperus rotundus), Atis(Aconitum Heterophyllum) and  Guruchi(Tinospora cordifolia) should be taken in equal quantities and cooked to prepare a soup. Filtered soup cures all types of IBS.
b)  Chab(Wild Pepper), Chitrak Mool(Plumbago Zeylanica), Flesh of wood apple and Sunthi(Dried Ginger) in powered form should be mixed together and consumed with buttermilk. It cures even the painful IBS.

    The above formulas which have to be consumed with buttermilk should be used after considering the strength of patient and season. It can be continued for a week, 10 days, half of month or entire month. Buttermilk is hot in potency, hence the patient who is very weak, who feel burning sensation, who is delusional and who feels giddiness should not consume it.

Note: “Vata”,“Pitta” and “Kapha” are three doshas of body mentioned in ayurveda which in balanced state keeps the person healthy.
Vata” is gas or air in your body. If aggravated, it causes joints pain and gas trouble.
Pitta” is acid and heat in the body. If aggravated, it  causes burning sensation, thirst, over hunger etc.
Kapha” is cough or lubrication which lubricates the body.

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